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Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I receive lots of questions about insomnia.  The biggest question thrown my way is how to cure it.  I had a bad case of insomnia in the 90's while waitressing in NYC, getting home at 5:30 am really thru my body for a loop, and messing up my "circadian rhythm" for years!  At the time I had no idea it was the cause of my sleeping disorder and that it would effect my sleeping patterns for years into the future.

Insomnia is characterized by not being able to fall asleep and remaining asleep.  People suffer from lack of quantity and lack of quality sleep.

There are three types of Insomnia:

Transient is when you have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep that lasts from a few days to a few weeks.

Acute is when you are unable to fall asleep for several weeks.

Chronic Insomnia is characterized by the fact that it lasts from months to years.

I don't know the cure but there are many causes for the condition.  If you can spot what it is that you are doing that could be causing your tossing and turning, you have the ability to change your sleep habits and get back to rejuvenating sleep and living life fully recharged!

Don't use stimulants such has caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, or weight loss medications, they are all culprits when it comes to preventing you from getting some shut eye.

Disruption in your biological sleep clock, such has jet lag, jobs where you work late at night, sleeping hot or cold.  Sleeping on the wrong mattress for your body type can cause you to wake up too.  If your mattress is too soft it will hammock beneath you, the spine bows downwards, causing pressure around your hips.  If you are sleeping on a mattress that is too firm it pushes your spine upwards, causing pressure around the shoulders and knees and the pain can wake you up. 

When you find the perfect support system, your spine will be straight and your entire body will be supported evenly.

Then we have psychological issues.  That I can't help you with.  Stress and anxiety are big problems; a racing mind can keep you up all night.  I know this may sound silly, but I count backwards from 100 when my mind won't allow me to sleep, and it works.  It's kind of like counting sheep.
Another off the wall tip is if you can move locations, get up and lie on the couch, you may fall asleep right away.  Winston Churchill is famous for taking naps and he had two identical bedrooms in The War Room. If he couldn't fall asleep in one bedroom he would go to the other.  I myself have tried this and it works, I don't know why?

My run of the mill tips for alleviating insomnia are, the room should be dark, temperature should be cool, get a mattress that is has big has you have room for with the correct support system, no stimulants close to the time you hit the sack, and working out later in the day also helps.  Good luck and I look forward to hearing feedback as to if any of this was helpful.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

JUST THE FACTS - Memory Foam / Latex

People often want my opinion on which mattress type is better, especially between Latex and Memory Foam/aka Visco.  They both have attributes that make them great mattresses but they feel quite different.  I always give the customers the facts and let them make their own decision.  I don't think of myself as a sales person but more of a guide.  At the end of the day it's their comfort that counts and everyone has their own personal preference.  I just want to make sure I can give them the information they need to make the right decision.  I want them to love their mattress.

Memory foam has a gel-like feel, and contouring support.  Some people love the feeling and will sleep on nothing else, while others can't get used to it.  It is all a matter of what you like.  Tempur-material, is only found in Tempur-Pedic mattresses, and are not like other memory foams.  The Tempur Technology lets the mattress sense and conform to your particular body shape and temperature, allowing you to sleep undisturbed thru the night.  If you fall into the "Hot Sleeper" category Tempur-Pedic has created the new Breeze Technology that makes the mattress actually feel cool to the touch and draws heat away from your body, keeping you cool.  "+CantoniSleepStudio sells "+Tempur-Pedic   because it is the best in it's category with the most options.  

Latex beds can be confusing to consumers.  There's a lot of words thrown around that most people have never heard of such as Talalay, Dunlop, and terms that we know such as green, organic, natural, synthetic, it makes cutting to the truth difficult.  I have done quite a bit of research on the subject because I want to untangle the myths, dispel rumors and give "+Cantoni Sleep Studio customers the facts, so they are armed with knowledge to help them make an educated decision when choosing a Latex Mattress. 

Natural Latex is great for durability.  There are two types of Synthetic Latex, Dunlop and Talalay. 

Dunlop has been around longer.  The problem with having a bed made completely from Dunlop is every layer is slightly different because of the method used, natural sediment settles to the bottom of each layer.  The layers are slightly firmer on the bottom.  Dunlop latex is great to use has a support layer in a latex mattress.

Talalay latex is made in a similar way, with the exception of several key steps.  After the latex is poured it is sealed in a vacuum chamber then it is flash frozen before it's baked.  This makes for a more consistent cell structure making it more breathable and the feel more consistent.  The best latex mattresses are made with a combo of both Natural latex for durability and Talalay latex for its consistency.  The most common ratio is 60% synthetic and 40% natural.  Be cautious if a company doesn't disclose the percentage of natural latex in the mattress.  There are companies out there who no longer use petroleum oil to make latex but use plant based oils, so it's still good to our world.  Cantoni carries latex mattresses designed by Earl Kluft, we have them in both firm and plush.  Latex comfort level is often compared to spring mattresses because of the bounce. 
 If you have concerns about latex allergies, let me put your mind to rest.  Talalay latex is produced in such a way that the allergen producing protein is removed, washed out because of the open cell.  The latex mattress never touches anyone.  1% of the population is allergic to latex and not a single report of latex allergy has been due to latex pillows or mattresses.

If you have any questions or concerns please drop me a note and I will get you an answer.


Monday, July 8, 2013


Summertime is here and many of you are planning your summer getaways, you should also be planning on how to manage your jet lag and keep it to a minimum.  Let's face it, jet lag can be a real drag, no rhyme intended but it can put a damper on your vacation if you aren't feeling your best.

A big heads up to those of you traveling west to east, the recovery time is harder, if going east to west the recovery time is 30-50% quicker.  Despite which direction you're headed I want to help make sure it's a great trip!

If you're a "Morning Person" you already have an advantage.  Early risers are always ready to go no matter the hour and are able to keep going on less sleep.  Ouch, but yes, younger people recover faster from jet lag too.  People still in their younger years haven't had their "circadian rhythms" messed up yet, making them more resilient and able to adapt to new Time Zones faster.

Ok, so  maybe you are more like myself, not so young anymore, and not a so called "Morning Person".  Don't worry I have some tips for you to make your summer vacation rock with you awake and loving life.

You should reset your clocks to the time it is in your destination.  It is not good for your brain to realize it's 1am at home while the flight attendant is serving you breakfast before your flight lands in the South of France.

If you're arriving in the morning sleep on the flight.  Easier said then done, try slipping off your shoes, wrapping up in a blanket, leaning your seat back and bring some headphones to keep out the noise.  If you will be landing at night, stay up.  I always download movies to my ipad, or watch as many in flight movies as I can stand.  No alcohol or caffeine, both will keep you awake.

Skip the Champagne and always drink lots of water.  Being on an airplane makes you dehydrated, which will only  make you feel worse.
Once you've arrived at your desired local, no matter how much you are dying to take a nap, do not race up to your room.  Go out, mix it up, revel in your new surroundings.   This will help stimulate the chemical changes to take place in your brain faster, so that you adapt to your new time zone more quickly.
If it is Daytime, try and get some sun.  Sunlight has natural vitamins and is a powerful stimulant to help regulate your biological time clock and will remind you that you should be awake.
Good Luck and Happy Travels.  If you are able, make sure you are staying somewhere that has a great mattress.  I recently stayed at The Royal Park in London and had the opportunity to sleep on a Vi-Spring.  I can honestly say it helped me over my jet lag faster.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I recently returned from a trip to London where I was fortunate enough to meet and speak with Sleep Expert Dr Neil Stanley.  He has been involved in sleep research for close to 30 years, he is a past Chairman of The British Sleep Society, has a PHD, he's written 35 papers on sleep, lets just say the man knows what he's talking about.

He asked what I consider the million dollar question, " How much would you pay for something that will make you happier, healthier, more intelligent, make you lose weight, be more attractive to the opposite sex and add years to your life?"   Many of us, over the years, have spent a small fortune on diet pills, Botox etc., compared to what most of us have spent on a mattress, makes you wonder.  I've read many articles on sleep, but hearing it come straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak, had a huge impact on me.  I had no idea that a great night's sleep could change my life in so many ways.

Dr. Stanley spoke about giving people IQ tests before and after depriving them of sleep.  The testees' IQ's dropped after having been deprived of catching their zzz's.  While we are asleep our mind practices tasks we learned during the day, thus reinforcing that knowledge and boosting our memory.  Remembering why I've walked into a certain room and what I'm doing there would be fantastic.  Sign me up!  You know the saying, "Time is MONEY!"  I feel like I waste too much of it by not being on my A Game.  A well rested mind is more easily stimulated and inspired, you will be able to recreate more accurately what you dreamed about and it is usually challenges from our day to day life that we are trying to master.  If you could perform your job better you would make more money and that is something most of us aspire to.
 It isn't just great for your brain it can also help you lose weight.  Do I have your attention now?  Sleep does a body good.  Bikini Season is in full swing and I for one plan on spending lots of time in one!  Don't throw your money away on diet pills.  Sleep and our metabolism are connected by the same branch of the brain.  When you aren't getting enough sleep, the hormone Gherlin, that controls your appetite, is stimulated, making you hungry.  If your sleep is disturbed, Leptim a chemical that sends signals to your brain that you are full, will decrease and you won't feel full even if you just ate.  These are the reasons you find yourself in front of the refrigerator in the middle of the night, and we can't have that during Bikini Season.

When you sleep your mind and body are working at superior levels and you are able to have more stamina in the gym.  I wasn't going to say in bed, but we all know where this is headed.  A better body, a more active brain, add up to a more fulfilling life, can you really put a price tag on that?  Sleep is the miracle drug that can change your life.

If your mattress isn't doing it's job anymore, allow me to fit you to the perfect support system for your body at "+Cantoni Sleep Studio .