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Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I receive lots of questions about insomnia.  The biggest question thrown my way is how to cure it.  I had a bad case of insomnia in the 90's while waitressing in NYC, getting home at 5:30 am really thru my body for a loop, and messing up my "circadian rhythm" for years!  At the time I had no idea it was the cause of my sleeping disorder and that it would effect my sleeping patterns for years into the future.

Insomnia is characterized by not being able to fall asleep and remaining asleep.  People suffer from lack of quantity and lack of quality sleep.

There are three types of Insomnia:

Transient is when you have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep that lasts from a few days to a few weeks.

Acute is when you are unable to fall asleep for several weeks.

Chronic Insomnia is characterized by the fact that it lasts from months to years.

I don't know the cure but there are many causes for the condition.  If you can spot what it is that you are doing that could be causing your tossing and turning, you have the ability to change your sleep habits and get back to rejuvenating sleep and living life fully recharged!

Don't use stimulants such has caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, or weight loss medications, they are all culprits when it comes to preventing you from getting some shut eye.

Disruption in your biological sleep clock, such has jet lag, jobs where you work late at night, sleeping hot or cold.  Sleeping on the wrong mattress for your body type can cause you to wake up too.  If your mattress is too soft it will hammock beneath you, the spine bows downwards, causing pressure around your hips.  If you are sleeping on a mattress that is too firm it pushes your spine upwards, causing pressure around the shoulders and knees and the pain can wake you up. 

When you find the perfect support system, your spine will be straight and your entire body will be supported evenly.

Then we have psychological issues.  That I can't help you with.  Stress and anxiety are big problems; a racing mind can keep you up all night.  I know this may sound silly, but I count backwards from 100 when my mind won't allow me to sleep, and it works.  It's kind of like counting sheep.
Another off the wall tip is if you can move locations, get up and lie on the couch, you may fall asleep right away.  Winston Churchill is famous for taking naps and he had two identical bedrooms in The War Room. If he couldn't fall asleep in one bedroom he would go to the other.  I myself have tried this and it works, I don't know why?

My run of the mill tips for alleviating insomnia are, the room should be dark, temperature should be cool, get a mattress that is has big has you have room for with the correct support system, no stimulants close to the time you hit the sack, and working out later in the day also helps.  Good luck and I look forward to hearing feedback as to if any of this was helpful.

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